Unlocking Business Potential with Microsoft Fabric Data Analytics

Unlocking Business Potential with Microsoft Fabric Data Analytics Effective data analytics are crucial for informed business decision-making. Enterprises increasingly rely on comprehensive data analytics platforms to manage and interpret vast amounts of information. Microsoft Fabric, a unified Software as a Service (SaaS) analytics platform integrating Data Lakehouses, Data Warehouses, Real-Time Analytics, Data Engineering, Analytics Engineering, Read More

2024-06-20T15:09:54-04:00June 24th, 2024|Data Platform, Analytics, Data Science|

Charting Your Data Platform Modernization Future with DSI: Beyond the Traditional Vendor-Client Relationship

Charting Your Data Platform Modernization Future with DSI: Beyond the Traditional Vendor-Client Relationship In today’s fast-moving digital world, mastering data platform modernization is crucial for business success. As organizations face more complex data challenges, choosing the right partner becomes essential. Businesses need a partner who is well-versed in the Microsoft Data Platform and can Read More

Beyond Data Management: Exploring the Capabilities of MS Fabric

Beyond Data Management: Exploring the Capabilities of MS Fabric Introduction to MS Fabric Data analytics and cloud solutions are critical for informed decision-making and strategic planning in today's fast-paced business environment. Microsoft has introduced Microsoft (MS) Fabric, a unified data analytics platform that simplifies and enhances how businesses handle data management and analysis. This enterprise-level Read More

Interested to learn how the Lufthansa airline is leveraging AI to improve turnaround management ?

At any given moment, turnaround coordinators for German airline Lufthansa CityLine have their eyes glued to monitors displaying more than half a dozen video feeds of airplanes parked at gates around the airport. Like most industry players, Lufthansa CityLine relies on manual timestamps to understand when each step of the turnaround process starts and ends and uses that manual timestamp data to glean insights on where to make adjustments for faster, leaner turnarounds.

2021-10-25T10:44:37-04:00August 9th, 2021|Data Science|

China Now Has The Largest Language Model With WuDao 2.0

Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI) developed the largest language model, WuDao 2.0, with 1.75 trillion parameters supporting English and Chinese. Google had earlier claimed the top spot for the largest language model with its Switch Transformer, a 1.6-trillion parameter model, when it introduced its supremacy in January 2021.

2021-06-07T16:15:50-04:00June 7th, 2021|Data Science|

Are you talking to me? Azure AI brings iconic characters to life with Custom Neural Voice

Have you ever wished you could leap into your favorite cartoon and interact with characters like Bugs Bunny who entertain you onscreen? Welcome to the AT&T Experience Store in Dallas, where a life-size, high-definition Bugs Bunny greets you by name and tells you he needs your help to find several golden carrots hidden throughout the store.

2021-04-26T12:32:06-04:00April 23rd, 2021|Data Science|
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