Simplifying Data Management

BIMA solves the common data management challenges often faced by organizations.

Spreadsheet Proliferation

  • Incorrect versions of spreadsheets
  • Inconsistent data entry
  • Modified Spreadsheets – new, renamed, and\or deleted columns
  • Incorrect named ranges
  • Rows removed inadvertently
  • Duplicate rows

IT Bottleneck

  • Data management maintained by IT
  • Complex Logic stored in code
  • Data Entry backlog


  • Who changed what data when
  • All or nothing approach to data stewardship
  • Manual Processes
  • No security
  • Standardized across Solutions

BIMA was developed as a tool to enable organizations to manage analytical master data

BIMA enables the management of data to enrich analytic solutions.  Through implementing BIMA, organizations move the management of analytical data from the technical processes and authoring tools to a secure and business-centric process.  This, in turn, results in analytical solutions that are aligned to the needs of the business and are more cost-effective to maintain. BIMA is a mature SaaS product, and has benefited from the feedback provided by a broad user community.  It is delivered as an on-premises managed solution and billed through a monthly subscription.

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