Understanding when to use a database, data lake, or data warehouse

The “data” part of the terms “data lake,” “data warehouse,” and “database” is easy enough to understand. Data are everywhere, and the bits need to be kept somewhere. But should they be stored in a data warehouse, a data lake, or an old-fashioned database? It all depends on how that data is going to be used.

2021-04-30T16:43:43-04:00April 30th, 2021|Analytics|

How the cloud has moved advanced analytics from exclusive to accessible

Thanks to the evolution of cloud software, database technology has become a commodity. Where companies used to invest in software upgrades to enable advanced analytics, now access to quality data-related insights requires a minimum amount of hardware and computing power, which are becoming less and less expensive.

2021-04-26T12:32:06-04:00March 28th, 2021|Analytics|

Five insights about harnessing data and AI from leaders at the frontier

What was once unknowable can now be quickly discovered with a few queries. Decision makers no longer have to rely on gut instinct; today they have more extensive and precise evidence at their fingertips.

2021-04-26T12:32:06-04:00March 25th, 2021|Analytics|

The data gambit: How large B2B companies can outmaneuver start-ups

At DSI we can help make this strategy real through both analytics and applications - that automate and collect business processes and their underlying data. When you can visualize your entire value chain as a series of input-output engines and really understand how efficiently each one executes, you are on your journey of real digital transformation.

2021-04-26T12:32:06-04:00February 8th, 2021|Analytics|
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